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How to wind a skein of yarn into a ball (with no equipment)

$ 29.50

4.5 (435) In stock

Your yarn arrived in a twisted skein? This ad-free photo tutorial shows you step by step how to turn that hank into ball with no swift, yarn holder or ball winder needed. You can use this technique anywhere. anytime.
So your yarn didn't come in a ball ready to work from? - here's the ultimate guide to winding it, no equipment needed.

How to Unwind a Hank of Yarn

Turn A Skein To A Ball - Here's How!

$40 yarn skein; tried to wind into a ball and immediately tangled it.. any tips on quickly untangling?? : r/YarnAddicts

Economy Yarn Winding Combo - Swift and Ball Winder Set, Multi-Craft Equipment - Halcyon Yarn

Tutorials and Tips

Knitting Tutorial: How to Wind a Skein of Yarn into a Center Pull Ball — Fifty Four Ten Studio

12 Yarn Ball Types and How to Knit with Them - Interweave

Replying to @hyphygrandma tutorial: how to use a yarn winder and yarn

From Skein To Ball – A handy guide

How to Hand-Wind Yarn Into a Ball, Hank, or Skein

Winding a Skein into a Ball - Purl Soho, Beautiful Yarn For Beautiful KnittingPurl Soho

How To Skein (or Reskein) Yarn for Free

Winding a Ball of Yarn » School of SweetGeorgia